Johns Creek, GA is a community that offers students the opportunity to attend acommplished schools that are recognized for both their academic acheivements, as well as, their strong extracurricular programs… a community with schools that consistently attain strong academic acheivement, as well as, their strong extracurricular programs… a community with schools that consistently attain strong academic performances from its students .. curriculums graduating students focused on highers learning opportunities. .. athletic programs that are competitive and bring home state titles… strong arts and music programs, including highly acclamed orchestra program… a community with public schools that cater to the individualized student with a variety of choices and opportunities built in the curriculums.
Chattahooche High School
5230 Taylor Road
Johns Creek, GA 30022
Chattahoochee High School
ranks 4th of 399 Georgia public
high schools.
John Creek High School
5575 State Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30022
(770) 623-2138
Johns Creek High School
ranks 8th of 399 Georgia public
high schools.
Northview High School
5230 Taylor Road
Johns Creek, GA 30022
(770) 521-7600
Northview High School
ranks 1st of 399 Georgia public
high schools
Autrey Mill Middle School
4110 Old Alabama Road
Johns Creek, GA 30022
(770) 521-7622
Autrey Mill Middle School ranks
12th of 467 Georgia public
middle schools..
River Trail Middle School
10795 Rogers Circle
Johns Creek, GA 30097
(770) 497-3860
River Trail Middle School ranks
6th of 467 Georgia public middle
Taylor Road Middle School
5150 Taylor Road
Johns Creek, GA 30022
(770) 740-7090
Northview High School
ranks 1st of 399 Georgia public
high schools
Abbotts Hill Elementary School
5575 Abbotts Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Ph: 770-667-2860
Abbotts Hill Elementary School
ranks 95th of 1097 Georgia public
elementary schools.
Barwell Elementary School
9425 Barnwell Road
Johns Creek, GA 30022
(770) 552-4960
Barnwell Elementary School ranks
69th of 1097 Georgia public
elementary schools..
Dolvin Elementary School
10495 Jones Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30022
(770) 740-7020
Elementary School ranks
43rd of 1097 Georgia public
elementary schools.
Findley Oaks Elementary School
5880 Findley Chase Drive
Johns Creek, GA 30097
(770) 497-3800
Findley Oaks Elementary School
ranks 22nd of 1097 Georgia public
elementary schools.
Medlock Bridge Elementary School
10215 Medlock Bridge Pkwy.
Johns Creek, GA 30022
(770) 623-2980
medlock bridge
Findley Oaks Elementary School
ranks 22nd of 1097 Georgia public
elementary schools.
Ocee Elementary School
4375 Kimball Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30022
Ph: 770-667-2960
Ocee Elementary School
ranks 105th of 1097 Georgia public
elementary schools.
Shakerag Elementary School
10885 Rogers Circle
Johns Creek, GA 30097
(770) 740-7090
Elementary School
ranks 17th of 1097 Georgia public
elementary schools.
State Bridge Crossing Elementary School
530 State Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30022
(770) 497-3850
State Bridge Crossing Elementary
School ranks 15th of 1097 Georgia
public elementary schools.
Wilson Creek Elementary School
6115 Wilson Road
Johns Creek, GA 30097
(770) 497-3811
Wilson Creek Elementary School
ranks 17th of 1097 Georgia public
elementary schools..